Living Well with IBS
Current Living Well with IBS Group Participants:
This group is a 4-week commitment with each session building on the next. Although it is hoped that you can attend all 4 sessions, we do understand you might not be able to attend them all. For your benefit, we recommend not missing out on more than 1 session.
This group is about building new skills. Skills involve practice. In order to get the most effectiveness out of the program, it is hoped that you will be able to practice the skills between sessions. Exercises to practice will be recommended at the end of each session. When learning something new, the more you practice the more skillful you will become. Plan to set aside anywhere from 5 – 60 minutes per week (depending on content). The exercises can best be summed up as Practices For Abundant Living.
ZOOM Troubleshooting Tip Sheet
- Download our Zoom Troubleshooting Tip Sheet.
We recommend to review this in advance of the start date of the group to ensure you have downloaded the most recent version of Zoom and can familiarize yourself with the platform.
HANDOUTS, AUDIO AND VIDEO FILES for current program participants
Session 1:
- Dropping Anchor (voice of James McQueen) adapted from Harris, Russell (2018). ACT Made Simple: An Easy to Read Primer On Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 2nd Ed. New Harbinger Press.
To download a copy of the Dropping Anchor (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
- Five Senses (Audio) (voice of James McQueen) adapted from McKay, M., Greenberg, M.J., and Fanning, P. (2020). The ACT Workbook for Depression and Shame: Overcome Thoughts of Defectiveness and Increase Well-Being Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. New Harbinger Press.
To download a copy of the Five Senses (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
- Loving Kindness Self-Compassion (voice of James McQueen)
To download a copy of Loving Kindness Self-Compassion (voice of James McQueen) audio to your desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
Session 2
- Getting Hooked Handout
- Focusing, Engaging and Savouring Daily Life Handout
- Food and Mood Journal
- Bristol Stool Chart
- Diffusion Strategies
- Probiotic Chart
- Leaves on a Stream (voice of James McQueen) from Harris, Russell (2009). ACT Made Simple: A Quick Start Guide to ACT Basics and Beyond. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
To download a copy of the Leaves on a Stream (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
- Mindful Eating (voice of James McQueen) Adapted from: Teasdale, J., Williams, M. and Segal, Z (2014). The Mindful Way Workbook. New York: The Guildford Press.
For this exercise you will need a raisin, a comfortable setting where
you will not be disturbed and good lighting.
To download a copy of the Mindful Eating (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
- Mindful Walking (voice of James McQueen) from Gordon, T. & Borushok, J. (2017). The ACT Approach. Eau Claire, WI. PESI Publishing and Media.
To download a copy of the Mindful Walking (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
Session 3
- Continuous You (voice of James McQueen) from Harris, R. (2009). ACT Made Simple: An Easy-To-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
To download a copy of the Continuous You (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
- Willingness of IBS (voice of James McQueen)
To download a copy of the Willingness of IBS (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
- Acceptance of Emotions (voice of James McQueen) from Harris, Russell (2018). ACT Made Simple: An Easy to Read Primer On Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 2nd Ed. New Harbinger Press
To download a copy of the Acceptance of Emotions (voice of James McQueen) audio to a desktop computer, RIGHT CLICK here, choose SAVE LINK AS and then save the file to your computer.
Session 4
No material required