The After Hours Clinic is for patients of Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Al-Jarrah, Dr. Bastedo, Dr. Durocher, Dr. Grasic, Dr. Kalani, Dr. Malik, Dr. O’Leary, Dr. Reklitis, Dr. Ricciardi, Dr. Viviers and Dr. Wilson.
Doctors with the NOTL sites of the Niagara North FHT do their best to accommodate rostered patients during busy after-hours clinics. Please be aware that patients with urgent issues may be seen before patients with non-urgent issues, regardless of the order of arrival.
On days that two After Hour Clinic sites are available, please attend the clinic of the office where your doctor regularly works.
After Hours Clinic
Monday | 5 pm – 8 pm | Both Sites – Closed February 17th |
Tuesday | 5 pm – 8 pm | NOTL Site – Feb 18, 25, Mar 11 & 18 Virgil Site – March 4 & 25 |
Wednesday | 5 pm – 8 pm | Both Sites |
Thursday | 5 pm – 8 pm | Virgil Site |
Friday | No after hours clinic | |
Saturday | 9am – 3pm | NOTL Site – Feb 15, Mar 1 & 15 Virgil Site – Feb 22, Mar 8, 22 & 29 |
Sunday | No after hours clinic |
Appointments are no longer needed for After Hours Clinics.
Masks or face coverings are still required at ALL locations of the NNFHT if you have respiratory symptoms of any kind. We ask that you bring a mask with you, otherwise, a mask will be provided. You will be instructed to use hand sanitizer when entering the building.
After Hours Policies
- The After Hours clinic is for the rostered patients of our 12 physicians only.
- Please note that we do not see patients for non-urgent issues (i.e. prescription refills, immunizations, test results, form completions, etc.). Patients with non-urgent issues will be asked to make an appointment with their family physician during regular office hours.
- If you wish to see your family doctor specifically, please book an appointment during their regular office hours. The After Hours clinic is for urgent issues only and is not to be used for routine appointments.
- For patients who are not rostered with our Family Health Team, or who are tourists in the area, click here to search for available clinics in the area.
- Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated.
Niagara residents who need urgent care can make an appointment to see a Niagara Health nurse practitioner or doctor from the comfort of their home.
The new Niagara virtual urgent care service provides convenient and safe treatment through secure video for non-emergency injuries or illnesses like nausea, infections, and minor COVID-19 symptoms.
Same day appointments are available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis.
This service is for patients who have a medical issue that isn’t life-threatening and who do not have a primary care provider or cannot make an appointment with their family doctor or other primary care provider during the week.
We encourage our patients to utilize our After Hour Clinics in the evenings and weekends.
To make an appointment, visit