Scent Free Workplace
Due to Health concerns arising from use of scented products, staff, visitors, and patients are to refrain from using, wearing and bringing scented products into the building.
Individuals suffering from sensitivities to scents, please report to any staff member so that we can better accommodate your needs.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Respectful Code of Conduct
The Garden City and Niagara-on-the-Lake Family Health Organizations, Niagara North Family Health Team and the NOTL Health Care Clinic are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for everyone, including staff, learners, patients and their families. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity; to address concerns and work together in good faith to resolve conflicts as quickly as possible in a professional and constructive manner.
Engaging in behaviour that would reasonably and objectively be considered to be discriminatory, offensive, disrespectful, harassing, violent or disruptive to anyone, in any situation within this organization, is not acceptable.
Respectful conduct is the standard of behaviour expected from all individuals. In the event a breach of this standard occurs and satisfactory resolution is not achieved, further assistance or intervention is encouraged by contacting the Executive Director.
We want to do everything we can with integrity, knowledge and compassion
Patient Privacy
The Niagara North Family Health Team (NNFHT) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal health information of its patients and staff.
The NNFHT routinely collects personal information that is used in the provision of care. The information that is collected is protected and not released without consent to do so in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 20014 (PHIPA).
Your Personal Health Information (PHI) includes information relevant to your health including your date of birth, contact information, health card number, health history, family history, records of your visits, the care and support you received during those visits, results from tests and procedures and information from other health care providers.
Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information
Your request for care from our team implies consent for our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information for purposes related to your care. We do not collect any other information, or allow information to be used for other purposes without your express consent (verbal or written) – except where required by law.
The Niagara North Family Health Team uses and discloses Personal Health Information to:
- Treat and care for you including visits with all of our interdisciplinary health providers such as a Dietitian or a Social Worker
- Support law enforcement – we may disclose personal health information to government agencies and law enforcement personnel when the Law requires it
- Support public health activities – we report information about various diseases to government offices in charge of collecting this information. We provide coroners, medical examiners with information about an individual’s death
- Plan administer and manage internal operations and conduct risk-management activities
- Quality Assurance statistics. This information is collected in an anonymous fashion for quality monitoring and improvement.
- Educate our staff and students
- Provide appointment reminders to you
- Deliver our programs
Our collection, use and disclosure of your health information are done in accordance with Ontario Law
Can you withdraw Consent?
You can withdraw consent to have your information shared with other health care providers or other parties at any time, except where required by law. However, please discuss this with your physician first.
Patient Rights
How do you access the personal information held by the Niagara North Family Health Team?
You have the right to access your personal health record in a timely manner. If you request a copy of your record, one will be provided to you at a reasonable cost. If you wish to view the original record, one of our staff must be present to maintain the integrity of the record, and a reasonable fee may be charged for this access. Patient requests for access to the medical record should be made verbally or in writing to their primary care physician.
Limitations on access
In extremely limited circumstances you may be denied access to your medical records, but only if providing access would create a significant risk to you or to another person.
What if you feel that your record is not accurate?
We make every effort to ensure that all of your information is recorded accurately. If an inaccuracy is identified, you can request that a note be made to reflect this on your file.
How long do we keep information?
We retain patient records as required by law and professional regulations.
How do we dispose of information when it is no longer needed?
When information is no longer required, it is destroyed in a secure manner, according to set procedures that govern the storage and destruction of personal information.
For More Information
If you would like to discuss our privacy policy in more detail or have specific questions or complaints about how your information is being handled please speak to your physician and she or he will help you.
You can also contact:
Niagara North Family Health Team Privacy Officer
7-145 Carlton Street
St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 1R5
Further information on privacy and your rights in regards to your personal health information can be found on the Information and Privacy Commissioner website at
Commitment to Customer Service
The Niagara North Family Health Team (NNFHT) is committed to providing welcoming and accessible service to all persons, including those with disabilities. Our plans and practices respect independence, dignity, integration and equality.
View our policies and integrated accessibility plan:
Customer Service Policy and Procedure
Integrated Accessibility Policy
We encourage your feedback, comments and suggestions through varied means including: in-person, calls, and written (email/letter/note). Please use our Accessibility Feedback form below.